Purchasing Terms, Shipping and Support

[email protected]
Telephone sales/inquiries: 1-800-367-0482
FAX number for Purchase Orders: 1-512-250-1191


Small transactions ($1,000 or less) can be carried out by Visa, MasterCard, American Express, or Discover Card. FAXed orders and voice calls are the most secure. We will accept orders via email: [email protected], but cannot be responsible for credit card numbers intercepted in transit to us. Larger purchases generally require a Purchase Order, terms Net 30, sent via FAX or email. (You can use the following purchase order forms: MSWord PDF.) Sales tax will be included where required (Texas).

Quantity Discounts

For electronic or CD delivery, quantity discounts are available. Please contact [email protected] for details. Site licenses are also available.


SD software is generally licensed for use by individuals. Multiple copies may exist on multiple machines, provided they are used by just that individual. Site licenses are available. A license copy accompanies each product.

We are always building new products, some of which are in Beta. If you are willing to give a beta product a trial by fire, ask [email protected] about obtaining a Beta license.

Media, Shipping and Customs fees

Most shipments are via electronic download from our site using a key assigned at purchase time and emailed to the customer. Some products require registration codes after installation to achieve full function.

Products may be obtained on physical digital media (CDROM) by special request. Add $100.00 per product unit to cover media, shipping and handling. For shipments outside the USA, any customs fees must be paid by purchaser, typically on receipt rather than through our invoices.


Full refund within 60 days of shipment should you decide against the product; we would appreciate if you give us a reason, as we always want to improve our products.

Software Support

Software support is available for all SD products at several levels. For details on support policies and procedures, see Support Policies.

  • Standard Support Purchased SD software has 1 year standard support via email.
  • Software Assurance Option provides telephone support and product upgrades. It can be purchased and renewed annually for 30% of the product purchase price. It can be re-established separately, up to 1 year after purchase or lapse of previous option, for 45% of the product purchase price. SD retains the right to discontinue software assurance on on products which have been discontinued.

For more information: [email protected]    Follow us at Twitter: @SemanticDesigns
