Overview: Automated Software Engineering Tools
Semantic Designs (SD) provides automated software engineering tools and supporting services. These tools help analyze software systems to aid comprehension, determine quality and errors, or carry out massive change such as rearchitecting, replatforming, or replacement of legacy software technologies. SD's tools are especially well suited to handle legacy and embedded systems typically found in Navy systems. SD also carries out advanced R&D related to software engineering. For more detail see Semantic Designs Main page.
SeaPort Qualifications
SD is qualified as a Small Business prime contractor under SeaPort contract N00178-08-D-5580. SD services the following geographic areas:
- Zone 2 (National Capital)
- Zone 3 (MidAtlantic)
- Zone 4 (Gulf Coast)
- Zone 6 (Southwest)
Task Orders Recieved via SeaPort
- None as of June 1, 2008
SD joined the SeaPort-e program in June, 2008.
Team Members
Name | Degree | School | Discipline | Proposed Position | Contingent Employee | Location | Relevant Experience | Qualifications for Position | |
Ira Baxter | Ph.D. Computer Science | University of California at Irvine | Software Engineering 3.1 R&D Support 3.12 IS/IA/IT | Project Lead | No | Semantic Designs Austin Texas | Visionary re Software Engineering with Automated Tools. Project Lead. Concept Definition. Software Architecture. OS Design. VLSI design. | PhD. 25+ years industry experience building sophisticated software systems. Deep compiler background. | |
Michael Mehlich | Dr. Rer (Ph.D.) Computer Science | Technical University, Munich, Germany | Formal Specifications and Proofs 3.1 R&D Support | Principal Engineer | No | Semantic Designs Austin Texas | Design, implements and applies automated software engineering tools to large scale tasks. | PhD. 12 years experience with automated tool design and application. | |
Robert Larry Akers | Ph.D. Computer Science | University of Texas | Artificial Intelligence and Theorem Proving 3.6 Software | Senior Engineer | Yes | Semantic Designs Austin Texas | Implementation and application of automated software engineering tools to large tasks. | 5 years experience implementing and using automated tools. Background in compiler technology. | |
Thomas Loomis | M.Sc. Computer Science | University of Texas | Linguistics 3.6 Software | Senior Engineer | Yes | Semantic Designs Austin Texas | Implementation and application of automated software engineering tools to large scale tasks. | 2 years experience using automated tools. Background in compiler technology. | |
Joseph Nall | B.Sc. Physics | University of Texas | Software Engineering 3.6 Software | Senior Engineer | Yes | Nall Design Works (Subcontractor) Austin Texas | Solution Architectures and Implementations for embedded systems. Defense Software Implementation. | 10 years experience building embedded defense applications in secure environments. | |
Quality Assurance Program
SD achieves quality by
- Good Software Process: SD projects are managed with project plans, have appropriate design and implementation phases, and ongoing reviews both internally and with the customer. SD is a software engineering tool provider; it uses its own software analysis tools to verify quality.
- Large Scale Testing: automated tools can be applied many times during a project to even large scale artifacts. This provides considerable opportunity for discover issues and verify their resolution.
- Automated Generation of Tools from Specifications: Software designed by conventional methods is coded from an informal specification. SD's approach is to formally specify, for as much of the project as practical, and use automated tools that reliably generate significant parts of the problem solution
- Massive Software Reuse: SD's tools are based on SD's proprietary DMS technology, which allows the specification and implementation of complex software engineering tools. DMS provides some 800K SLOC of basic automated tools foundations, tested over a decade. Typical SD custom applications are typically 10-20K SLOC, or only some 1.5% additional code.
- Use of Experienced Personnel: project staff have strong educational and technical backgrounds, and long relevant industry experience. This means the right problems are diagnosed and solved the right way.
Points of Contact
- General: [email protected]
- Telephone inquiries (toll-free): 1-800-367-0482; (Austin local): 1-512-250-1018
- Services Customer Satisfaction: Dr. Ira Baxter
- SeaPort Program: Dr. Ira Baxter