Semantic Designs can construct custom obfuscators for virtually any source language as a part of the corresponding Source Formatter. This page contains Verilog sample code, its obfuscated version, and the generated obfuscation map.
Verilog Sample Code before Obfuscation
(This is the same formatted code shown on the Verilog Formatter example page)
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// //// //// Mini-RISC-1 //// //// Mini-Risc Core //// //// //// //// //// //// Author: Rudolf Usselmann //// //// [email protected] //// //// //// //// //// //// D/L from: //// //// //// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// //// //// Copyright (C) 2000-2002 Rudolf Usselmann //// //// //// //// [email protected] //// //// //// //// This source file may be used and distributed without //// //// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not //// //// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains //// //// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer.//// //// //// //// THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND WITHOUT ANY //// //// EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED //// //// TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS //// //// FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR //// //// OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, //// //// INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES //// //// (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE //// //// GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR //// //// BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF //// //// LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT //// //// (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT //// //// OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE //// //// POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. //// //// //// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // `timescale 1ns / 10ps module mrisc(clk, rst_in, inst_addr, inst_data, portain, portbin, portcin, portaout, portbout, portcout, trisa, trisb, trisc, tcki, wdt_en); // Basic Core I/O. input clk; input rst_in; // Program memory interface output [10 : 0] inst_addr; input [11 : 0] inst_data; // Basic I/O Ports input [7 : 0] portain; input [7 : 0] portbin; input [7 : 0] portcin; output [7 : 0] portaout; output [7 : 0] portbout; output [7 : 0] portcout; output [7 : 0] trisa; output [7 : 0] trisb; output [7 : 0] trisc; input tcki; input wdt_en; // This should be set to the ROM location where our restart vector is. // As set here, we have 512 words of program space. parameter PC_RST_VECTOR = 11'h000, // Should be: 11'h7FF, STAT_RST_VALUE = 8'h18, OPT_RST_VALUE = 8'h3f, FSR_RST_VALUE = 7'h0, TRIS_RST_VALUE = 8'hff; parameter ALU_ADD = 4'h0, ALU_SUB = 4'h1, ALU_INC = 4'h2, ALU_DEC = 4'h3, ALU_AND = 4'h4, ALU_CLR = 4'h5, ALU_NOT = 4'h6, ALU_IOR = 4'h7, ALU_MOV = 4'h8, ALU_MOVW = 4'h9, ALU_RLF = 4'ha, ALU_RRF = 4'hb, ALU_SWP = 4'hc, ALU_XOR = 4'hd, ALU_BCF = 4'he, ALU_BSF = 4'hf; parameter // Byte Oriented RF Operations I_ADDWF = 12'b0001_11??_????, I_ANDWF = 12'b0001_01??_????, I_CLRF = 12'b0000_011?_????, I_CLRW = 12'b0000_0100_0000, I_COMF = 12'b0010_01??_????, I_DEC = 12'b0000_11??_????, I_DECFSZ = 12'b0010_11??_????, I_INCF = 12'b0010_10??_????, I_INCFSZ = 12'b0011_11??_????, I_IORWF = 12'b0001_00??_????, I_MOV = 12'b0010_00??_????, I_MOVWF = 12'b0000_001?_????, I_NOP = 12'b0000_0000_0000, I_RLF = 12'b0011_01??_????, I_RRF = 12'b0011_00??_????, I_SUBWF = 12'b0000_10??_????, I_SWAPF = 12'b0011_10??_????, I_XORWF = 12'b0001_10??_????, // Bit Oriented RF Operations I_BCF = 12'b0100_????_????, I_BSF = 12'b0101_????_????, I_BTFSC = 12'b0110_????_????, I_BTFSS = 12'b0111_????_????, // Literal & Controll Operations I_ANDLW = 12'b1110_????_????, I_CALL = 12'b1001_????_????, I_CLRWDT = 12'b0000_0000_0100, I_GOTO = 12'b101?_????_????, I_IORLW = 12'b1101_????_????, I_MOVLW = 12'b1100_????_????, I_OPTION = 12'b0000_0000_0010, I_RETLW = 12'b1000_????_????, I_SLEEP = 12'b0000_0000_0011, I_TRIS = 12'b0000_0000_0???, I_XORLW = 12'b1111_????_????; parameter // sfr register address encodings INDF_ADDR = 3'h0, TMR0_ADDR = 3'h1, PCL_ADDR = 3'h2, STAT_ADDR = 3'h3, FSR_ADDR = 3'h4, PORTA_ADDR = 3'h5, PORTB_ADDR = 3'h6, PORTC_ADDR = 3'h7; parameter // Source 1 Select K_SEL = 2'b10, SFR_SEL = 2'b00, RF_SEL = 2'b01; parameter // STATUS Register status bits we STAT_WR_C = 3'b001, STAT_WR_DC = 3'b010, STAT_WR_Z = 3'b100; // Instruction Register reg rst; reg [11 : 0] instr_0, instr_1; reg rst_r1, rst_r2; wire valid; reg valid_1; reg [7 : 0] mask; reg [7 : 0] sfr_rd_data; reg [3 : 0] alu_op; reg src1_sel; reg [1 : 0] src1_sel_; wire [7 : 0] dout; // ALU output wire [7 : 0] src1; // ALU Source 1 reg [2 : 0] stat_bwe; // status bits we wire c_out, dc_out, z_out; reg pc_skz, pc_skz_; reg pc_bset, pc_bset_; reg pc_bclr, pc_bclr_; reg pc_call, pc_call_; reg pc_goto, pc_goto_; reg pc_retlw, pc_retlw_; wire invalidate_1; wire invalidate_0_; reg invalidate_0; // stage 1 dst decode reg w_we_; reg rf_we_; reg sfr_we_; reg tris_we_; // stage 2 dst decode reg w_we; wire rf_we; reg rf_we1, rf_we2, rf_we3; reg opt_we; reg trisa_we; reg trisb_we; reg trisc_we; wire indf_we_; reg tmr0_we; wire pc_we_; reg pc_we; reg stat_we; reg fsr_we; reg porta_we; reg portb_we; reg portc_we; wire bit_sel; wire [7 : 0] tmr0_next, tmr0_next1, tmr0_plus_1; wire tmr0_cnt_en; reg wdt_clr; wire wdt_to; wire wdt_en; wire tcki; wire [7 : 0] sfr_rd_data_tmp1, sfr_rd_data_tmp2, sfr_rd_data_tmp3; // Register File Connections wire [1 : 0] rf_rd_bnk, rf_wr_bnk; wire [4 : 0] rf_rd_addr, rf_wr_addr; wire [7 : 0] rf_rd_data, rf_wr_data; // Program Counter reg [10 : 0] inst_addr; reg [10 : 0] pc; wire [10 : 0] pc_next; wire [10 : 0] pc_plus_1; wire [10 : 0] stack_out; reg [10 : 0] pc_r, pc_r2; wire [10 : 0] pc_next1, pc_next2, pc_next3; // W Register reg [7 : 0] w; // Working Register reg [7 : 0] status; // Status Register wire [7 : 0] status_next; reg [6 : 0] fsr; // fsr register ( for indirect addressing) wire [6 : 0] fsr_next; reg [7 : 0] tmr0; // Timer 0 reg [5 : 0] option; // Option Register // Tristate Control registers. reg [7 : 0] trisa; reg [7 : 0] trisb; reg [7 : 0] trisc; // I/O Port registers reg [7 : 0] porta_r; // PORTA input register reg [7 : 0] portb_r; // PORTB input register reg [7 : 0] portc_r; // PORTC input register reg [7 : 0] portaout; // PORTA output register reg [7 : 0] portbout; // PORTB output register reg [7 : 0] portcout; // PORTC output register //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // External Reset is Synchrounous to clock always @(posedge clk) rst <= # 1 rst_in; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Synchrounous Register File register_file u0(.clk(clk), .rst(rst), .rf_rd_bnk(rf_rd_bnk), .rf_rd_addr(rf_rd_addr), .rf_rd_data(rf_rd_data), .rf_we(rf_we), .rf_wr_bnk(rf_wr_bnk), .rf_wr_addr(rf_wr_addr), .rf_wr_data(rf_wr_data)); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Always Fetch Next Instruction always @(posedge clk) instr_0 <= # 1 inst_data; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Instr Decode & Read Logic always @(posedge clk) begin rst_r1 <= # 1 rst | wdt_to; rst_r2 <= # 1 rst | rst_r1 | wdt_to; end assign valid = ~ rst_r2 & ~ invalidate_1; always @(posedge clk) valid_1 <= # 1 valid; always @(posedge clk) instr_1 <= # 1 instr_0; always @(posedge clk) // Basic Decode extracted directly from the instruction begin // Mask for bit modification instructions case (instr_0[7 : 5]) // synopsys full_case parallel_case 0 : mask <= # 1 8'h01; 1 : mask <= # 1 8'h02; 2 : mask <= # 1 8'h04; 3 : mask <= # 1 8'h08; 4 : mask <= # 1 8'h10; 5 : mask <= # 1 8'h20; 6 : mask <= # 1 8'h40; 7 : mask <= # 1 8'h80; endcase end always @(posedge clk) pc_r <= # 1 pc; // Previous version of PC to accomodate for pipeline always @(posedge clk) // SFR Read Operands if (src1_sel_[1]) sfr_rd_data <= # 1 instr_0[7 : 0]; else case (instr_0[2 : 0]) // synopsys full_case parallel_case 1 : sfr_rd_data <= # 1 tmr0_next; 2 : sfr_rd_data <= # 1 pc_r[7 : 0]; 3 : sfr_rd_data <= # 1 status_next; 4 : sfr_rd_data <= # 1 { 1'b1, fsr_next }; 5 : sfr_rd_data <= # 1 porta_r; 6 : sfr_rd_data <= # 1 portb_r; 7 : sfr_rd_data <= # 1 portc_r; endcase /* always @(posedge clk) sfr_rd_data <= #1 sfr_rd_data_tmp1; reg [3:0] sfr_sel; wire [3:0] sfr_sel_src; assign sfr_sel_src = {src1_sel_[1],instr_0[2:0]}; always @(sfr_sel_src) casex(sfr_sel_src) // synopsys full_case parallel_case 4'b1_???: sfr_sel = 4'b01_11; 4'b0_001: sfr_sel = 4'bxx_00; 4'b0_010: sfr_sel = 4'b00_11; 4'b0_011: sfr_sel = 4'bxx_01; 4'b0_100: sfr_sel = 4'bxx_10; 4'b0_101: sfr_sel = 4'b10_11; 4'b0_11?: sfr_sel = 4'b11_11; endcase mux4_8 u1( .sel(sfr_sel[1:0]), .out(sfr_rd_data_tmp1), .in0(tmr0_next), .in1(status_next), .in2({1'b1, fsr_next}), .in3(sfr_rd_data_tmp2) ); mux4_8 u2( .sel(sfr_sel[3:2]), .out(sfr_rd_data_tmp2), .in0(pc_r[7:0]), .in1(instr_0[7:0]), .in2(porta_r), .in3(sfr_rd_data_tmp3) ); mux2_8 u2b( .sel(instr_0[0]), .out(sfr_rd_data_tmp3), .in0(portb_r), .in1(portc_r) ); */ reg instd_zero; always @(posedge clk) instd_zero <= # 1 ! (| inst_data[4 : 0]); // Register File Read Port assign rf_rd_bnk = fsr_next[6 : 5]; assign rf_rd_addr = instd_zero ? fsr_next[4 : 0] : instr_0[4 : 0]; // ALU OP always @(posedge clk) casex (instr_0) // synopsys full_case parallel_case // Byte Oriented RF Operations I_ADDWF : alu_op <= # 1 ALU_ADD; // ADDWF I_ANDWF : alu_op <= # 1 ALU_AND; // ANDWF I_CLRF : alu_op <= # 1 ALU_CLR; // CLRF I_CLRW : alu_op <= # 1 ALU_CLR; // CLRW I_COMF : alu_op <= # 1 ALU_NOT; // COMF I_DEC : alu_op <= # 1 ALU_DEC; // DEC I_DECFSZ : alu_op <= # 1 ALU_DEC; // DECFSZ I_INCF : alu_op <= # 1 ALU_INC; // INCF I_INCFSZ : alu_op <= # 1 ALU_INC; // INCFSZ I_IORWF : alu_op <= # 1 ALU_IOR; // IORWF I_MOV : alu_op <= # 1 ALU_MOV; // MOV I_MOVWF : alu_op <= # 1 ALU_MOVW; // MOVWF I_RLF : alu_op <= # 1 ALU_RLF; // RLF I_RRF : alu_op <= # 1 ALU_RRF; // RRF I_SUBWF : alu_op <= # 1 ALU_SUB; // SUBWF I_SWAPF : alu_op <= # 1 ALU_SWP; // SWAPF I_XORWF : alu_op <= # 1 ALU_XOR; // XORWF // Bit Oriented RF Operations I_BCF : alu_op <= # 1 ALU_BCF; // BCF I_BSF : alu_op <= # 1 ALU_BSF; // BSF // Literal & Controll Operations I_ANDLW : alu_op <= # 1 ALU_AND; // ANDLW I_IORLW : alu_op <= # 1 ALU_IOR; // IORLW I_MOVLW : alu_op <= # 1 ALU_MOV; // MOWLW I_RETLW : alu_op <= # 1 ALU_MOV; // RETLW I_XORLW : alu_op <= # 1 ALU_XOR; // XORLW endcase // Source Select // This CPU source 1 can be one of: rf (or sfr) or k, // second source (if any) is always w always @(instr_0) casex (instr_0) // synopsys full_case parallel_case I_ANDLW : src1_sel_ = K_SEL; I_CALL : src1_sel_ = K_SEL; I_GOTO : src1_sel_ = K_SEL; I_IORLW : src1_sel_ = K_SEL; I_MOVLW : src1_sel_ = K_SEL; I_RETLW : src1_sel_ = K_SEL; I_XORLW : src1_sel_ = K_SEL; default : src1_sel_ = ((instr_0[4 : 3] == 2'h0) & (instr_0[2 : 0] != 3'h0)) ? SFR_SEL : RF_SEL; endcase always @(posedge clk) src1_sel <= # 1 src1_sel_[0]; // Destination Select // Destination can be one of: rf, w, option, tris OR one of sfr registers: // indf, tmr0, pc, status, fsr, porta, portb, portc, option, trisa, trisb, trisc // Stage 1 // select w, pc, rf or sfr reg w_we1, w_we1_; always @(instr_0) begin casex (instr_0) // synopsys full_case parallel_case I_ADDWF, I_ANDWF, I_COMF, I_DEC, I_DECFSZ, I_INCF, I_INCFSZ, I_IORWF, I_MOV, I_RLF, I_RRF, I_SUBWF, I_SWAPF, I_XORWF : // w or f w_we1_ = 1; default : w_we1_ = 0; endcase end always @(instr_0) begin w_we_ = 0; rf_we_ = 0; sfr_we_ = 0; tris_we_ = 0; casex (instr_0) // synopsys full_case parallel_case I_ADDWF, I_ANDWF, I_COMF, I_DEC, I_DECFSZ, I_INCF, I_INCFSZ, I_IORWF, I_MOV, I_RLF, I_RRF, I_SUBWF, I_SWAPF, I_XORWF : // w or f begin rf_we_ = instr_0[5] & (instr_0[4] | instr_0[3]); sfr_we_ = instr_0[5] & ~ instr_0[4] & ~ instr_0[3]; end I_MOVWF, I_CLRF, I_BCF, I_BSF : // only f begin rf_we_ = instr_0[4] | instr_0[3]; sfr_we_ = ~ instr_0[4] & ~ instr_0[3]; end I_CLRW, I_IORLW, I_MOVLW, I_ANDLW, I_RETLW, I_XORLW : w_we_ = 1; // only w I_TRIS : tris_we_ = 1; // trisa or trisb or trisc endcase end assign indf_we_ = sfr_we_ & (instr_0[2 : 0] == INDF_ADDR); assign pc_we_ = sfr_we_ & (instr_0[2 : 0] == PCL_ADDR); // Stage 2 destination encoder // write enable outputs are registered now always @(posedge clk) w_we <= # 1 w_we_; // working register write 0 enable always @(posedge clk) w_we1 <= # 1 w_we1_; // working register write 1 enable // Register File Write Enable is composed of thee conditions: 1) direct register writing (0x10-0x1f); // 2) Direct Global Register writing (0x08-0x0f), and 3) Indirect Register File Writing // The logic has been partitioned and balanced between the decode and execute stage ... assign rf_we = rf_we1 | (rf_we2 & rf_we3); // register file write enable Composite always @(posedge clk) rf_we1 <= # 1 valid & rf_we_; // register file write enable 1 always @(posedge clk) rf_we2 <= # 1 valid & (fsr_next[4] | fsr_next[3]); // register file write enable 2 always @(posedge clk) rf_we3 <= # 1 indf_we_; // register file write enable 3 always @(posedge clk) wdt_clr <= # 1 instr_0[11 : 0] == I_CLRWDT; always @(posedge clk) opt_we <= # 1 instr_0[11 : 0] == I_OPTION; always @(posedge clk) trisa_we <= # 1 tris_we_ & (instr_0[2 : 0] == PORTA_ADDR); always @(posedge clk) trisb_we <= # 1 tris_we_ & (instr_0[2 : 0] == PORTB_ADDR); always @(posedge clk) trisc_we <= # 1 tris_we_ & (instr_0[2 : 0] == PORTC_ADDR); always @(posedge clk) begin // SFR registers tmr0_we <= # 1 sfr_we_ & (instr_0[2 : 0] == TMR0_ADDR); pc_we <= # 1 valid & pc_we_; stat_we <= # 1 valid & sfr_we_ & (instr_0[2 : 0] == STAT_ADDR); fsr_we <= # 1 valid & sfr_we_ & (instr_0[2 : 0] == FSR_ADDR); porta_we <= # 1 sfr_we_ & (instr_0[2 : 0] == PORTA_ADDR); portb_we <= # 1 sfr_we_ & (instr_0[2 : 0] == PORTB_ADDR); portc_we <= # 1 sfr_we_ & (instr_0[2 : 0] == PORTC_ADDR); end // Instructions that directly modify PC always @(instr_0) begin pc_skz_ = 0; pc_bset_ = 0; pc_bclr_ = 0; pc_call_ = 0; pc_goto_ = 0; pc_retlw_ = 0; casex (instr_0) // synopsys full_case parallel_case // Byte Oriented RF Operations I_DECFSZ, I_INCFSZ : pc_skz_ = 1; // Bit Oriented RF Operations I_BTFSS : pc_bset_ = 1; I_BTFSC : pc_bclr_ = 1; // Literal & Controll Operations I_CALL : pc_call_ = 1; I_GOTO : pc_goto_ = 1; I_RETLW : pc_retlw_ = 1; endcase end always @(posedge clk) begin pc_skz <= # 1 valid & pc_skz_; pc_bset <= # 1 valid & pc_bset_; pc_bclr <= # 1 valid & pc_bclr_; pc_call <= # 1 valid & pc_call_; pc_goto <= # 1 valid & pc_goto_; pc_retlw <= # 1 valid & pc_retlw_; end assign invalidate_0_ = (pc_call_ | pc_goto_ | pc_retlw_ | pc_we_); always @(posedge clk) invalidate_0 <= # 1 invalidate_0_; // Status bits WE always @(posedge clk) begin stat_bwe <= # 1 0; if (valid) casex (instr_0) // synopsys full_case parallel_case // Byte Oriented RF Operations I_ADDWF : stat_bwe <= # 1 STAT_WR_C | STAT_WR_DC | STAT_WR_Z; I_ANDWF : stat_bwe <= # 1 STAT_WR_Z; I_CLRF : stat_bwe <= # 1 STAT_WR_Z; I_CLRW : stat_bwe <= # 1 STAT_WR_Z; I_COMF : stat_bwe <= # 1 STAT_WR_Z; I_DEC : stat_bwe <= # 1 STAT_WR_Z; I_INCF : stat_bwe <= # 1 STAT_WR_Z; I_IORWF : stat_bwe <= # 1 STAT_WR_Z; I_MOV : stat_bwe <= # 1 STAT_WR_Z; I_RLF : stat_bwe <= # 1 STAT_WR_C; I_RRF : stat_bwe <= # 1 STAT_WR_C; I_SUBWF : stat_bwe <= # 1 STAT_WR_C | STAT_WR_DC | STAT_WR_Z; I_XORWF : stat_bwe <= # 1 STAT_WR_Z; // Literal & Controll Operations I_ANDLW : stat_bwe <= # 1 STAT_WR_Z; //I_CLRWDT: // Modifies TO & PD *** FIX ME *** I_IORLW : stat_bwe <= # 1 STAT_WR_Z; //I_SLEEP: // Modifies TO & PD *** FIX ME *** I_XORLW : stat_bwe <= # 1 STAT_WR_Z; endcase end //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Wr & Execute Logic (including PC) // Second Pipeline Stage //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Source OP Sel //assign src1 = src1_sel ? rf_rd_data : sfr_rd_data; mux2_8 u3(.sel(src1_sel), .in0(sfr_rd_data), .in1(rf_rd_data), .out(src1)); alu u4(.s1(src1), .s2(w), .mask(mask), .out(dout), .op(alu_op), .c_in(status[0]), .c(c_out), .dc(dc_out), .z(z_out)); // Register file connections assign rf_wr_bnk = fsr[6 : 5]; assign rf_wr_addr = (instr_1[4 : 0] == 0) ? fsr[4 : 0] : instr_1[4 : 0]; assign rf_wr_data = dout; wire [7 : 0] status_next2; // Deal with all special registers (SFR) writes /* always @(rst or status or stat_we or stat_bwe or dout or c_out or dc_out or z_out) if(rst) status_next = STAT_RST_VALUE; else begin status_next = status; // Default Keep Value if(stat_we) status_next = dout | 8'h18; else begin if(stat_bwe[0]) status_next[0] = c_out; if(stat_bwe[1]) status_next[1] = dc_out; if(stat_bwe[2]) status_next[2] = z_out; end end */ assign status_next2[0] = stat_bwe[0] ? c_out : status[0]; assign status_next2[1] = stat_bwe[1] ? dc_out : status[1]; assign status_next2[2] = stat_bwe[2] ? z_out : status[2]; mux2_8 u21(.sel(stat_we), .in1({ dout | 8'h18 }), .in0({ status[7 : 3], status_next2[2 : 0]}), .out(status_next)); always @(posedge clk) if (rst) status <= # 1 STAT_RST_VALUE; else status <= # 1 status_next; //assign fsr_next = fsr_we ? dout[6:0] : fsr; mux2_7 u31(.sel(fsr_we), .in1(dout[6 : 0]), .in0(fsr), .out(fsr_next)); always @(posedge clk) if (rst) fsr <= # 1 FSR_RST_VALUE; else fsr <= # 1 fsr_next; always @(posedge clk) if (valid_1 & (w_we | (w_we1 & ~ instr_1[5]))) w <= # 1 dout; always @(posedge clk) if (rst) trisa <= # 1 TRIS_RST_VALUE; else if (trisa_we & valid_1) trisa <= # 1 w; always @(posedge clk) if (rst) trisb <= # 1 TRIS_RST_VALUE; else if (trisb_we & valid_1) trisb <= # 1 w; always @(posedge clk) if (rst) trisc <= # 1 TRIS_RST_VALUE; else if (trisc_we & valid_1) trisc <= # 1 w; always @(posedge clk) if (rst) option <= # 1 OPT_RST_VALUE; else if (opt_we & valid_1) option <= # 1 w[5 : 0]; always @(posedge clk) if (porta_we & valid_1) portaout <= # 1 dout; always @(posedge clk) if (portb_we & valid_1) portbout <= # 1 dout; always @(posedge clk) if (portc_we & valid_1) portcout <= # 1 dout; always @(posedge clk) begin porta_r <= # 1 portain; portb_r <= # 1 portbin; portc_r <= # 1 portcin; end /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Timer Logic //assign tmr0_next = tmr0_we ? dout : tmr0_cnt_en ? tmr0_plus_1 : tmr0; //assign tmr0_next = tmr0_we ? dout : tmr0_cnt_en ? (tmr0 + 1) : tmr0; mux2_8 u5(.sel(tmr0_we & valid_1), .in0(tmr0_next1), .in1(dout), .out(tmr0_next)); mux2_8 u6(.sel(tmr0_cnt_en), .in0(tmr0), .in1(tmr0_plus_1), .out(tmr0_next1)); inc8 u7(.in(tmr0), .out(tmr0_plus_1)); always @(posedge clk) tmr0 <= # 1 tmr0_next; presclr_wdt u8(.clk(clk), .rst(rst), .tcki(tcki), .option(option[5 : 0]), .tmr0_we(tmr0_we & valid_1), .tmr0_cnt_en(tmr0_cnt_en), .wdt_en(wdt_en), .wdt_clr(wdt_clr & valid_1), .wdt_to(wdt_to)); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Programm Counter Logic always @(posedge clk) pc_r2 <= # 1 pc_r; // 'inst_addr' is a duplication of the 'pc'. The only time when it is really needed // is when the program memory is not on the chip and we want to place the registers // directly in the IO pads to reduce Tcq (For example in a Xilinx FPGA implementation). // If the program memory is on the chip or if the implmentation allows feedback from // registers in the IO cells, this is not needed. Synopsys FPGA compiler appears to // make the correct decission either way, and gett rid of unneded logic ... always @(posedge clk) if (rst) inst_addr <= # 1 PC_RST_VECTOR; else inst_addr <= # 1 pc_next; always @(posedge clk) if (rst) pc <= # 1 PC_RST_VECTOR; else pc <= # 1 pc_next; /* always @(pc_plus_1 or dout or pc_we or status or stack_out or pc_call or pc_goto or pc_retlw or instr_1) if(pc_we) pc_next = {status[6:5], 1'b0, dout}; else if(!pc_call & !pc_goto & !pc_retlw) pc_next = pc_plus_1; else if(pc_call) pc_next = {status[6:5], 1'b0, instr_1[7:0]}; else if(pc_goto) pc_next = {status[6:5], instr_1[8:0]}; else if(pc_retlw) pc_next = stack_out; */ wire [10 : 0] pc_tmp1, pc_tmp2, pc_tmp3; wire pc_sel1; assign pc_tmp1 = { status[6 : 5], 1'b0, dout[7 : 0]}; assign pc_tmp2 = { status[6 : 5], 1'b0, instr_1[7 : 0]}; assign pc_tmp3 = { status[6 : 5], instr_1[8 : 0]}; assign pc_sel1 = (! pc_call & ! pc_goto & ! pc_retlw); mux2_11 u9(.sel(pc_we), .in0(pc_next1), .in1(pc_tmp1), .out(pc_next)); mux2_11 u10(.sel(pc_sel1), .in0(pc_next2), .in1(pc_plus_1), .out(pc_next1)); mux2_11 u11(.sel(pc_call), .in0(pc_next3), .in1(pc_tmp2), .out(pc_next2)); mux2_11 u12(.sel(pc_goto), .in0(stack_out), .in1(pc_tmp3), .out(pc_next3)); inc11 u13(.in(pc), .out(pc_plus_1)); reg invalidate_1_r1, invalidate_1_r2; assign invalidate_1 = (pc_skz & z_out) | (pc_bset & bit_sel) | (pc_bclr & ! bit_sel) | (invalidate_0 & valid_1) | invalidate_1_r1; always @(posedge clk) begin invalidate_1_r1 <= # 1 (invalidate_0 & valid_1) | invalidate_1_r2; invalidate_1_r2 <= # 1 (invalidate_0 & valid_1); end //assign bit_sel = src1[ instr_1[7:5] ]; mux8_1 u22(.sel(instr_1[7 : 5]), .in(src1), .out(bit_sel)); sfifo4x11 u14(.clk(clk), .push(pc_call), .din(pc_r2), .pop(pc_retlw), .dout(stack_out)); endmodule
Verilog Code after Obfuscation
Notice that comments are gone, names have been scrambled. The obfuscator uses a special list provided by the user to define names that should be preserved, ensuring that public interfaces and accesses to public libraries remain valid. If you obfuscate a set of Verilog source files simultaneously, only the public symbols they collectively offer will be sensibly named in the source files.
`timescale 1ns / 10ps module O0(O1, O2, l3, O4, l5, O6, l7, O8, O9, la, lb, lc, ld, le, lf); input O1; input O2; output [10 : 0] l3; input [11 : 0] O4; input [7 : 0] l5; input [7 : 0] O6; input [7 : 0] l7; output [7 : 0] O8; output [7 : 0] O9; output [7 : 0] la; output [7 : 0] lb; output [7 : 0] lc; output [7 : 0] ld; input le; input lf; parameter lg = 11'h000, lh = 8'h18, li = 8'h3f, lj = 7'h0, Ok = 8'hff; parameter Ol = 4'h0, Om = 4'h1, ln = 4'h2, Oo = 4'h3, lp = 4'h4, Oq = 4'h5, lr = 4'h6, Os = 4'h7, Ot = 4'h8, lu = 4'h9, Ov = 4'ha, Ow = 4'hb, lx = 4'hc, Oy = 4'hd, Oz = 4'he, O10 = 4'hf; parameter l11 = 12'b0001_11??_????, l12 = 12'b0001_01??_????, O13 = 12'b0000_011?_????, l14 = 12'b0000_0100_0000, O15 = 12'b0010_01??_????, O16 = 12'b0000_11??_????, O17 = 12'b0010_11??_????, O18 = 12'b0010_10??_????, l19 = 12'b0011_11??_????, l1a = 12'b0001_00??_????, l1b = 12'b0010_00??_????, O1c = 12'b0000_001?_????, l1d = 12'b0000_0000_0000, O1e = 12'b0011_01??_????, l1f = 12'b0011_00??_????, l1g = 12'b0000_10??_????, O1h = 12'b0011_10??_????, l1i = 12'b0001_10??_????, l1j = 12'b0100_????_????, l1k = 12'b0101_????_????, O1l = 12'b0110_????_????, O1m = 12'b0111_????_????, O1n = 12'b1110_????_????, O1o = 12'b1001_????_????, O1p = 12'b0000_0000_0100, O1q = 12'b101?_????_????, l1r = 12'b1101_????_????, O1s = 12'b1100_????_????, l1t = 12'b0000_0000_0010, O1u = 12'b1000_????_????, l1v = 12'b0000_0000_0011, l1w = 12'b0000_0000_0???, O1x = 12'b1111_????_????; parameter O1y = 3'h0, l1z = 3'h1, l20 = 3'h2, l21 = 3'h3, l22 = 3'h4, O23 = 3'h5, l24 = 3'h6, l25 = 3'h7; parameter l26 = 2'b10, l27 = 2'b00, O28 = 2'b01; parameter O29 = 3'b001, O2a = 3'b010, l2b = 3'b100; reg l2c; reg [11 : 0] O2d, l2e; reg l2f, l2g; wire O2h; reg O2i; reg [7 : 0] O2j; reg [7 : 0] l2k; reg [3 : 0] l2l; reg O2m; reg [1 : 0] l2n; wire [7 : 0] l2o; wire [7 : 0] l2p; reg [2 : 0] l2q; wire l2r, l2s, O2t; reg l2u, O2v; reg O2w, l2x; reg l2y, O2z; reg O30, O31; reg O32, l33; reg O34, l35; wire l36; wire O37; reg O38; reg O39; reg l3a; reg O3b; reg l3c; reg l3d; wire O3e; reg O3f, O3g, O3h; reg l3i; reg l3j; reg O3k; reg O3l; wire O3m; reg O3n; wire l3o; reg O3p; reg O3q; reg l3r; reg l3s; reg l3t; reg O3u; wire l3v; wire [7 : 0] l3w, l3x, l3y; wire O3z; reg O40; wire O41; wire lf; wire le; wire [7 : 0] l42, O43, l44; wire [1 : 0] l45, O46; wire [4 : 0] l47, O48; wire [7 : 0] l49, l4a; reg [10 : 0] l3; reg [10 : 0] O4b; wire [10 : 0] l4c; wire [10 : 0] O4d; wire [10 : 0] l4e; reg [10 : 0] O4f, l4g; wire [10 : 0] O4h, l4i, l4j; reg [7 : 0] l4k; reg [7 : 0] O4l; wire [7 : 0] O4m; reg [6 : 0] l4n; wire [6 : 0] l4o; reg [7 : 0] O4p; reg [5 : 0] l4q; reg [7 : 0] lb; reg [7 : 0] lc; reg [7 : 0] ld; reg [7 : 0] l4r; reg [7 : 0] l4s; reg [7 : 0] O4t; reg [7 : 0] O8; reg [7 : 0] O9; reg [7 : 0] la; always @(posedge O1) l2c <= # 1 O2; l4u l4v(.O1(O1), .l2c(l2c), .l45(l45), .l47(l47), .l49(l49), .O3e(O3e), .O46(O46), .O48(O48), .l4a(l4a)); always @(posedge O1) O2d <= # 1 O4; always @(posedge O1) begin l2f <= # 1 l2c | O41; l2g <= # 1 l2c | l2f | O41; end assign O2h = ~ l2g & ~ l36; always @(posedge O1) O2i <= # 1 O2h; always @(posedge O1) l2e <= # 1 O2d; always @(posedge O1) begin case (O2d[7 : 5]) 0 : O2j <= # 1 8'h01; 1 : O2j <= # 1 8'h02; 2 : O2j <= # 1 8'h04; 3 : O2j <= # 1 8'h08; 4 : O2j <= # 1 8'h10; 5 : O2j <= # 1 8'h20; 6 : O2j <= # 1 8'h40; 7 : O2j <= # 1 8'h80; endcase end always @(posedge O1) O4f <= # 1 O4b; always @(posedge O1) if (l2n[1]) l2k <= # 1 O2d[7 : 0]; else case (O2d[2 : 0]) 1 : l2k <= # 1 l3w; 2 : l2k <= # 1 O4f[7 : 0]; 3 : l2k <= # 1 O4m; 4 : l2k <= # 1 { 1'b1, l4o }; 5 : l2k <= # 1 l4r; 6 : l2k <= # 1 l4s; 7 : l2k <= # 1 O4t; endcase reg l4w; always @(posedge O1) l4w <= # 1 ! (| O4[4 : 0]); assign l45 = l4o[6 : 5]; assign l47 = l4w ? l4o[4 : 0] : O2d[4 : 0]; always @(posedge O1) casex (O2d) l11 : l2l <= # 1 Ol; l12 : l2l <= # 1 lp; O13 : l2l <= # 1 Oq; l14 : l2l <= # 1 Oq; O15 : l2l <= # 1 lr; O16 : l2l <= # 1 Oo; O17 : l2l <= # 1 Oo; O18 : l2l <= # 1 ln; l19 : l2l <= # 1 ln; l1a : l2l <= # 1 Os; l1b : l2l <= # 1 Ot; O1c : l2l <= # 1 lu; O1e : l2l <= # 1 Ov; l1f : l2l <= # 1 Ow; l1g : l2l <= # 1 Om; O1h : l2l <= # 1 lx; l1i : l2l <= # 1 Oy; l1j : l2l <= # 1 Oz; l1k : l2l <= # 1 O10; O1n : l2l <= # 1 lp; l1r : l2l <= # 1 Os; O1s : l2l <= # 1 Ot; O1u : l2l <= # 1 Ot; O1x : l2l <= # 1 Oy; endcase always @(O2d) casex (O2d) O1n : l2n = l26; O1o : l2n = l26; O1q : l2n = l26; l1r : l2n = l26; O1s : l2n = l26; O1u : l2n = l26; O1x : l2n = l26; default : l2n = ((O2d[4 : 3] == 2'h0) & (O2d[2 : 0] != 3'h0)) ? l27 : O28; endcase always @(posedge O1) O2m <= # 1 l2n[0]; reg O4x, l4y; always @(O2d) begin casex (O2d) l11, l12, O15, O16, O17, O18, l19, l1a, l1b, O1e, l1f, l1g, O1h, l1i : l4y = 1; default : l4y = 0; endcase end always @(O2d) begin O39 = 0; l3a = 0; O3b = 0; l3c = 0; casex (O2d) l11, l12, O15, O16, O17, O18, l19, l1a, l1b, O1e, l1f, l1g, O1h, l1i : begin l3a = O2d[5] & (O2d[4] | O2d[3]); O3b = O2d[5] & ~ O2d[4] & ~ O2d[3]; end O1c, O13, l1j, l1k : begin l3a = O2d[4] | O2d[3]; O3b = ~ O2d[4] & ~ O2d[3]; end l14, l1r, O1s, O1n, O1u, O1x : O39 = 1; l1w : l3c = 1; endcase end assign O3m = O3b & (O2d[2 : 0] == O1y); assign l3o = O3b & (O2d[2 : 0] == l20); always @(posedge O1) l3d <= # 1 O39; always @(posedge O1) O4x <= # 1 l4y; assign O3e = O3f | (O3g & O3h); always @(posedge O1) O3f <= # 1 O2h & l3a; always @(posedge O1) O3g <= # 1 O2h & (l4o[4] | l4o[3]); always @(posedge O1) O3h <= # 1 O3m; always @(posedge O1) O40 <= # 1 O2d[11 : 0] == O1p; always @(posedge O1) l3i <= # 1 O2d[11 : 0] == l1t; always @(posedge O1) l3j <= # 1 l3c & (O2d[2 : 0] == O23); always @(posedge O1) O3k <= # 1 l3c & (O2d[2 : 0] == l24); always @(posedge O1) O3l <= # 1 l3c & (O2d[2 : 0] == l25); always @(posedge O1) begin O3n <= # 1 O3b & (O2d[2 : 0] == l1z); O3p <= # 1 O2h & l3o; O3q <= # 1 O2h & O3b & (O2d[2 : 0] == l21); l3r <= # 1 O2h & O3b & (O2d[2 : 0] == l22); l3s <= # 1 O3b & (O2d[2 : 0] == O23); l3t <= # 1 O3b & (O2d[2 : 0] == l24); O3u <= # 1 O3b & (O2d[2 : 0] == l25); end always @(O2d) begin O2v = 0; l2x = 0; O2z = 0; O31 = 0; l33 = 0; l35 = 0; casex (O2d) O17, l19 : O2v = 1; O1m : l2x = 1; O1l : O2z = 1; O1o : O31 = 1; O1q : l33 = 1; O1u : l35 = 1; endcase end always @(posedge O1) begin l2u <= # 1 O2h & O2v; O2w <= # 1 O2h & l2x; l2y <= # 1 O2h & O2z; O30 <= # 1 O2h & O31; O32 <= # 1 O2h & l33; O34 <= # 1 O2h & l35; end assign O37 = (O31 | l33 | l35 | l3o); always @(posedge O1) O38 <= # 1 O37; always @(posedge O1) begin l2q <= # 1 0; if (O2h) casex (O2d) l11 : l2q <= # 1 O29 | O2a | l2b; l12 : l2q <= # 1 l2b; O13 : l2q <= # 1 l2b; l14 : l2q <= # 1 l2b; O15 : l2q <= # 1 l2b; O16 : l2q <= # 1 l2b; O18 : l2q <= # 1 l2b; l1a : l2q <= # 1 l2b; l1b : l2q <= # 1 l2b; O1e : l2q <= # 1 O29; l1f : l2q <= # 1 O29; l1g : l2q <= # 1 O29 | O2a | l2b; l1i : l2q <= # 1 l2b; O1n : l2q <= # 1 l2b; l1r : l2q <= # 1 l2b; O1x : l2q <= # 1 l2b; endcase end O4z O50(.O51(O2m), .l52(l2k), .l53(l49), .O54(l2p)); O55 O56(.l57(l2p), .O58(l4k), .O2j(O2j), .O54(l2o), .l59(l2l), .l5a(O4l[0]), .O5b(l2r), .O5c(l2s), .O5d(O2t)); assign O46 = l4n[6 : 5]; assign O48 = (l2e[4 : 0] == 0) ? l4n[4 : 0] : l2e[4 : 0]; assign l4a = l2o; wire [7 : 0] O5e; assign O5e[0] = l2q[0] ? l2r : O4l[0]; assign O5e[1] = l2q[1] ? l2s : O4l[1]; assign O5e[2] = l2q[2] ? O2t : O4l[2]; O4z O5f(.O51(O3q), .l53({ l2o | 8'h18 }), .l52({ O4l[7 : 3], O5e[2 : 0]}), .O54(O4m)); always @(posedge O1) if (l2c) O4l <= # 1 lh; else O4l <= # 1 O4m; O5g l5h(.O51(l3r), .l53(l2o[6 : 0]), .l52(l4n), .O54(l4o)); always @(posedge O1) if (l2c) l4n <= # 1 lj; else l4n <= # 1 l4o; always @(posedge O1) if (O2i & (l3d | (O4x & ~ l2e[5]))) l4k <= # 1 l2o; always @(posedge O1) if (l2c) lb <= # 1 Ok; else if (l3j & O2i) lb <= # 1 l4k; always @(posedge O1) if (l2c) lc <= # 1 Ok; else if (O3k & O2i) lc <= # 1 l4k; always @(posedge O1) if (l2c) ld <= # 1 Ok; else if (O3l & O2i) ld <= # 1 l4k; always @(posedge O1) if (l2c) l4q <= # 1 li; else if (l3i & O2i) l4q <= # 1 l4k[5 : 0]; always @(posedge O1) if (l3s & O2i) O8 <= # 1 l2o; always @(posedge O1) if (l3t & O2i) O9 <= # 1 l2o; always @(posedge O1) if (O3u & O2i) la <= # 1 l2o; always @(posedge O1) begin l4r <= # 1 l5; l4s <= # 1 O6; O4t <= # 1 l7; end O4z l5i(.O51(O3n & O2i), .l52(l3x), .l53(l2o), .O54(l3w)); O4z l5j(.O51(O3z), .l52(O4p), .l53(l3y), .O54(l3x)); l5k O5l(.O5m(O4p), .O54(l3y)); always @(posedge O1) O4p <= # 1 l3w; l5n O5o(.O1(O1), .l2c(l2c), .le(le), .l4q(l4q[5 : 0]), .O3n(O3n & O2i), .O3z(O3z), .lf(lf), .O40(O40 & O2i), .O41(O41)); always @(posedge O1) l4g <= # 1 O4f; always @(posedge O1) if (l2c) l3 <= # 1 lg; else l3 <= # 1 l4c; always @(posedge O1) if (l2c) O4b <= # 1 lg; else O4b <= # 1 l4c; wire [10 : 0] O5p, O5q, O5r; wire O5s; assign O5p = { O4l[6 : 5], 1'b0, l2o[7 : 0]}; assign O5q = { O4l[6 : 5], 1'b0, l2e[7 : 0]}; assign O5r = { O4l[6 : 5], l2e[8 : 0]}; assign O5s = (! O30 & ! O32 & ! O34); O5t l5u(.O51(O3p), .l52(O4h), .l53(O5p), .O54(l4c)); O5t l5v(.O51(O5s), .l52(l4i), .l53(O4d), .O54(O4h)); O5t O5w(.O51(O30), .l52(l4j), .l53(O5q), .O54(l4i)); O5t l5x(.O51(O32), .l52(l4e), .l53(O5r), .O54(l4j)); O5y O5z(.O5m(O4b), .O54(O4d)); reg l60, O61; assign l36 = (l2u & O2t) | (O2w & l3v) | (l2y & ! l3v) | (O38 & O2i) | l60; always @(posedge O1) begin l60 <= # 1 (O38 & O2i) | O61; O61 <= # 1 (O38 & O2i); end l62 l63(.O51(l2e[7 : 5]), .O5m(l2p), .O54(l3v)); l64 l65(.O1(O1), .l66(O30), .l67(l4g), .l68(O34), .l2o(l4e)); endmodule
Obfuscated Symbol Cross Reference
The obfuscator produces a cross reference mapping obfuscated symbols to the orginal symbols, so that obfuscated code in the field can still be decoded if necessary. In fact, by reversing this map, the obfuscator can unobfuscate the code (of course, it cannot restore the comments).
ALU_ADD -> Ol ALU_AND -> lp ALU_BCF -> Oz ALU_BSF -> O10 ALU_CLR -> Oq ALU_DEC -> Oo ALU_INC -> ln ALU_IOR -> Os ALU_MOV -> Ot ALU_MOVW -> lu ALU_NOT -> lr ALU_RLF -> Ov ALU_RRF -> Ow ALU_SUB -> Om ALU_SWP -> lx ALU_XOR -> Oy FSR_ADDR -> l22 FSR_RST_VALUE -> lj INDF_ADDR -> O1y I_ADDWF -> l11 I_ANDLW -> O1n I_ANDWF -> l12 I_BCF -> l1j I_BSF -> l1k I_BTFSC -> O1l I_BTFSS -> O1m I_CALL -> O1o I_CLRF -> O13 I_CLRW -> l14 I_CLRWDT -> O1p I_COMF -> O15 I_DEC -> O16 I_DECFSZ -> O17 I_GOTO -> O1q I_INCF -> O18 I_INCFSZ -> l19 I_IORLW -> l1r I_IORWF -> l1a I_MOV -> l1b I_MOVLW -> O1s I_MOVWF -> O1c I_NOP -> l1d I_OPTION -> l1t I_RETLW -> O1u I_RLF -> O1e I_RRF -> l1f I_SLEEP -> l1v I_SUBWF -> l1g I_SWAPF -> O1h I_TRIS -> l1w I_XORLW -> O1x I_XORWF -> l1i K_SEL -> l26 OPT_RST_VALUE -> li PCL_ADDR -> l20 PC_RST_VECTOR -> lg PORTA_ADDR -> O23 PORTB_ADDR -> l24 PORTC_ADDR -> l25 RF_SEL -> O28 SFR_SEL -> l27 STAT_ADDR -> l21 STAT_RST_VALUE -> lh STAT_WR_C -> O29 STAT_WR_DC -> O2a STAT_WR_Z -> l2b TMR0_ADDR -> l1z TRIS_RST_VALUE -> Ok alu -> O55 alu_op -> l2l bit_sel -> l3v c -> O5b c_in -> l5a c_out -> l2r clk -> O1 dc -> O5c dc_out -> l2s din -> l67 dout -> l2o fsr -> l4n fsr_next -> l4o fsr_we -> l3r in -> O5m in0 -> l52 in1 -> l53 inc11 -> O5y inc8 -> l5k indf_we_ -> O3m inst_addr -> l3 inst_data -> O4 instd_zero -> l4w instr_0 -> O2d instr_1 -> l2e invalidate_0 -> O38 invalidate_0_ -> O37 invalidate_1 -> l36 invalidate_1_r1 -> l60 invalidate_1_r2 -> O61 mask -> O2j mrisc -> O0 mux2_11 -> O5t mux2_7 -> O5g mux2_8 -> O4z mux8_1 -> l62 op -> l59 opt_we -> l3i option -> l4q out -> O54 pc -> O4b pc_bclr -> l2y pc_bclr_ -> O2z pc_bset -> O2w pc_bset_ -> l2x pc_call -> O30 pc_call_ -> O31 pc_goto -> O32 pc_goto_ -> l33 pc_next -> l4c pc_next1 -> O4h pc_next2 -> l4i pc_next3 -> l4j pc_plus_1 -> O4d pc_r -> O4f pc_r2 -> l4g pc_retlw -> O34 pc_retlw_ -> l35 pc_sel1 -> O5s pc_skz -> l2u pc_skz_ -> O2v pc_tmp1 -> O5p pc_tmp2 -> O5q pc_tmp3 -> O5r pc_we -> O3p pc_we_ -> l3o pop -> l68 porta_r -> l4r porta_we -> l3s portain -> l5 portaout -> O8 portb_r -> l4s portb_we -> l3t portbin -> O6 portbout -> O9 portc_r -> O4t portc_we -> O3u portcin -> l7 portcout -> la presclr_wdt -> l5n push -> l66 register_file -> l4u rf_rd_addr -> l47 rf_rd_bnk -> l45 rf_rd_data -> l49 rf_we -> O3e rf_we1 -> O3f rf_we2 -> O3g rf_we3 -> O3h rf_we_ -> l3a rf_wr_addr -> O48 rf_wr_bnk -> O46 rf_wr_data -> l4a rst -> l2c rst_in -> O2 rst_r1 -> l2f rst_r2 -> l2g s1 -> l57 s2 -> O58 sel -> O51 sfifo4x11 -> l64 sfr_rd_data -> l2k sfr_rd_data_tmp1 -> l42 sfr_rd_data_tmp2 -> O43 sfr_rd_data_tmp3 -> l44 sfr_we_ -> O3b src1 -> l2p src1_sel -> O2m src1_sel_ -> l2n stack_out -> l4e stat_bwe -> l2q stat_we -> O3q status -> O4l status_next -> O4m status_next2 -> O5e tcki -> le tmr0 -> O4p tmr0_cnt_en -> O3z tmr0_next -> l3w tmr0_next1 -> l3x tmr0_plus_1 -> l3y tmr0_we -> O3n tris_we_ -> l3c trisa -> lb trisa_we -> l3j trisb -> lc trisb_we -> O3k trisc -> ld trisc_we -> O3l u0 -> l4v u10 -> l5v u11 -> O5w u12 -> l5x u13 -> O5z u14 -> l65 u21 -> O5f u22 -> l63 u3 -> O50 u31 -> l5h u4 -> O56 u5 -> l5i u6 -> l5j u7 -> O5l u8 -> O5o u9 -> l5u valid -> O2h valid_1 -> O2i w -> l4k w_we -> l3d w_we1 -> O4x w_we1_ -> l4y w_we_ -> O39 wdt_clr -> O40 wdt_en -> lf wdt_to -> O41 z -> O5d z_out -> O2t