Formatted Version of VBScript Code

This page contains some Badly Formatted VBScript code, and its VBScript Formatted version. The output was produced by our VBScript Formatter.

Badly Formatted VBScript Code

This code is a real program, artificially formatted badly in a way that exactly preserves its functionality to model what happens after too many programmers have hacked on it. The nesting structure is pretty bad; it would be hard to work on this without painfully reformatting it in an editor. There goes some productivity.

<!--#INCLUDE FILE=""-->

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<!--#INCLUDE FILE=""-->
            'testing response.write "<table border='1'>"
'testing For Each key in Request.ServerVariables
'testing     response.write "<tr><td>" & key & "</td><td>" & request.ServerVariables(key) & "</td></tr>"
      'testing next
'testing Response.Write "</table>"

                                             'testing response.write "<table border='1'>"
'testing For Each key in Request.Form
'testing     response.write "<tr><td>" & key & "</td><td>" & request.Form(key) & "</td></tr>"
         'testing next
'testing Response.Write "</table>"
          SpaceAllotted = MakeNumber(sec_Topics.Fields("Upload Space Per Member")) * 1024
                       '-- ----------------------------------------------- --
'-- First make sure that this topic has a directory --
'-- ----------------------------------------------- --
  Dim DestinationPath
              WebPath = "http://" & Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_HOST") & AppServerRoot() & "/Uploads/" & TopicID
WebPath = WebPath &                "/"& BBSProfileID
   DestinationPath = AppFileRoot()               & "\Uploads\" & TopicID
                  Set WorkFileObject = server.createobject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
On Error Resume Next
         Set NewFolder = WorkFileObject.CreateFolder(DestinationPath)
Set NewFolder  = Nothing
          DestinationPath =                DestinationPath & "\" & BBSProfileID
Set NewFolder = WorkFileObject.CreateFolder(DestinationPath)
                   Set NewFolder  =                           Nothing
On                      Error                     Goto             0

<h2 align="center"><%= sec_Topics.Fields("Topic Title") & IIf(sec_Topics.Fields("Topic Locked"), " <strong><em>* LOCKED *</em></strong>","") %></h2>
<% If Not IsNull(sec_Topics.Fields("Description")) Then %>
<h4 align="center"><%= MemoWrite(sec_Topics.Fields("Description")) %></h4>
<% End If %>
<h3 align="center">Document Upload</h3>
<table border="0">
    <tr><td valign="bottom" align="center"><a href='BBSBoard.asp?TopicID=<%= TopicID %>'>Return To Index</a></td>
Dim ResultHTML
Server.ScriptTimeout = 500
If Request.ServerVariables("REQUEST_METHOD") = "POST" Then 'Request method must be "POST" for get the fields
           If LCase(Left(Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_Content_Type"),19)) = "multipart/form-data" Then
UploadSizeLimit = 10000000	' 10 Mb
'*************************************************   Main Upload - start
Dim                                     Upload
           UploadFile1 =                  ""
UploadFile2                                                               = ""
    'Gets uploaded fields
           On Error GoTo 0
        '*************************************************   Main Upload - end
ElseIf Request.Form("B1") = "Delete" Then
     For Each key in Request.Form
If UCase(Left(key,                              6)) = "DELETE" Then
Response.Write "Deleting " & Request.Form(Key) & "<br>"
      On Error                          Resume Next
   WorkFileObject.           DeleteFile	   (DestinationPath & "\" & Request.Form(Key))
On Error GoTo 0
            End If
                                                                                 End  If
               End                                                                      If
'-- -------------------------------------------- --
                                                                   '-- Do quick survey of files and remove bad ones --
'-- -------------------------------------------- --
SQLStmt = "Select * From [tblAllowedUploads] "
SQLStmt = SQLStmt & "Where [TopicID] " & SQLNumberFormat("=", TopicID)
Set rs_AllowedUpload = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
rs_AllowedUpload.Open SQLStmt, BBS_conn, 3, 3
Set WorkFileFolder = WorkFileObject.GetFolder(DestinationPath)
Set WorkFileList   = WorkFileFolder.Files
FileCtr = 0
TotFileSize = 0
For Each WrkFileName In WorkFileList
                             If rs_AllowedUpload.Eof Then
'-- No files allowed (yes it's stupid, but possible) --
        Response.write "Invalid file " & WrkFileName.Name & " deleted<br>"
  WorkFileObject.DeleteFile(DestinationPath & "\" & WrkFileName.Name)
 If rs_AllowedUpload.Fields("Allow Upload Of") = "ALL" Then
    'Do Nothing - All files allowed
        FileCtr = FileCtr + 1
            TotFileSize = TotFileSize + WrkFileName.Size
                   GoodFile = False
                     Do While Not rs_AllowedUpload.Eof And _
                        Not GoodFile
                            If Right(LCase(WrkFileName.Name),Len(rs_AllowedUpload.Fields("Allow Upload Of"))) = LCase(rs_AllowedUpload.Fields("Allow Upload Of")) Then
                               GoodFile = True
   End If
   If Goodfile Then
                '-- Do Nothing
          FileCtr = FileCtr + 1
TotFileSize = TotFileSize + WrkFileName.Size
     Response.write "Invalid file " & WrkFileName.Name & " deleted<br>"
WorkFileObject.DeleteFile(DestinationPath & "\" & WrkFileName.Name)
                                                     End If
                                                     End If
                                                     End If
Set rs_AllowedUpload = Nothing
                        If        SpaceAllotted <= TotFileSize Then
                    Response.Write                 "<h2 align='center'>Your Maximum space has been used</h2>"
              If (SpaceAllotted * 1.10                            ) <= TotFileSize Then
           '-- Remove most recent upload --
       On Error Resume Next
   If UploadFile1 <>                                                                    ""  Then
Response.Write "<h3 align='center'>Removing Uploaded File " & UploadFile1 & "</h3>"
   WorkFileObject.DeleteFile(DestinationPath & "\" & UploadFile1)
     End If
       If UploadFile2 <> "" Then
            Response.Write "<h3 align='center'>Removing Uploaded File " & UploadFile2 & "</h3>"
                WorkFileObject.DeleteFile(DestinationPath & "\" & UploadFile2)
                    End If
                         End                                                                     If
                              End If
                                  '-- Get the final file list and sort it --
FileCtr                                                                                     = 0
For Each WrkFileName In WorkFileList
FileCtr = FileCtr + 1
TotFileSize                      = TotFileSize              +                            WrkFileName.Size
If FileCtr > 0 Then
                                                            FileCtr = 0
For Each WrkFileName In WorkFileList
                                                            FileCtr =                   FileCtr + 1
                                                            If FileCtr > 0 Then
ReDim FileList(FileCtr)
           ReDim                                            FileSize(FileCtr)
ReDim srtFileList(FileCtr)
                                                            ReDim srtFileSize(FileCtr)
ICtr = 1
                                                            FileList(0) = "ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ"
  For Each WrkFileName In WorkFileList
                                                        FileList(ICtr) = LCase(WrkFileName.Name)
       FileSize(ICtr) = WrkFileName.Size
                                                   ICtr = ICtr + 1
                                               '-- ----------------- --
             '-- Now sort the list --
                                            '-- ----------------- --
                  For ICtr = 1 To FileCtr
                                         LowCtr  = 0
                       For ICt2 = 1 To FileCtr
                                   If FileList(ICt2) <                                   FileList(LowCtr) Then
                           LowCtr = ICt2
                                 End                                                 If
                                If LowCtr > 0 Then
                                srtFileList(ICtr) = FileList(LowCtr)
                                srtFileSize(ICtr) = FileSize(LowCtr)
                                FileList(LowCtr)  = FileList(0)
                                srtFileList(ICtr) = ""
End If
End If
End If

If SpaceAllotted > TotFileSize Then
TopicSpaceUsed = 0
Set TopicFileObject = server.createobject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If TopicFileObject.FolderExists(AppFilePath() & "\Uploads\" & TopicID & "\") Then
Set TopicFile = TopicFileObject.GetFolder(AppFilePath() & "\Uploads\" & TopicID & "\")
TopicSpaceUsed = TopicFile.Size
Set TopicFile       = Nothing
End                                                                                             If
Set TopicFileObject = Nothing
If                                                (TopicSpaceUsed/1024) > sec_Topics.Fields("Upload Space Per Topic") Then
Response.Write "<h2 align='center'>The Maximum space for this BBS has been used - Contact " & MemoWrite(sec_Topics.Fields("UserEMail")) & "</h2>"
                                                                                                Else %>
        <form method="post" action="<%= ShortScriptName %>.ASP?TopicID=<%= TopicID %>" ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data">
          <div align="center"><center>
          <table border="1">
            <tr BGColor="Silver">
              <td nowrap></td>
              <td Align="Right"><input type="submit" Name="Action" value="Upload New Documents"></td>
              <td nowrap>File 1</td>
              <td><input type="file" name="File1" size="70"></td>
              <td nowrap>File 2</td>
              <td><input type="file" name="File2" size="70"></td>
<%  End If
End If
Set                                                                                     WorkFileList   = Nothing
                                                                                   Set WorkFileFolder = Nothing
                   Set WorkFileObject                 =                                  Nothing  %>
<form action='<%= ShortScriptName %>.asp?TopicID=<%= TopicID %>' method='POST'>
    <table border='1'>
            <td colspan='3' align='center' bgcolor='#C0C0C0' style='font-weight: bold; font-size: larger'>Uploaded<br>Files</td>
            <td align='left' valign='top' bgcolor='#C0C0C0'>File Name</td>
            <td align='center' valign='top' bgcolor='#C0C0C0'>Delete</td>
            <td align='right' valign='top' bgcolor='#C0C0C0'>Size</td>
<%      For PCtr = 1 To FileCtr %>
                <td align='left'  valign='top'>
                    <a href='<%= WebPath & "/" & srtFileList(PCtr) %>'
                     target='<%= "New" & NumberToString(Rnd() * 1000,4,0) %>'>
                     <%= WebPath & "/" & srtFileList(PCtr) %></a>
                <td align='center' valign='top'>
                    <input type='Checkbox' name='Delete<%= NumberToString(PCtr,4,0) %>'  value='<%= MemoView(srtFileList(PCtr)) %>'>
                <td align='right' valign='top'><%= NumberToString(srtFileSize(PCtr) / 1024,"Float",2) %> k</td>
<%      Next %>
            <td align='left'  valign='top' colspan='2'><strong>Total</strong></td>
            <td align='right' valign='top'><strong><%= NumberToString(TotFileSize / 1024,"Float",2) %> k</strong></td>
            <td align='left'  valign='top' colspan='2'><strong>Maximum</strong></td>
            <td align='right' valign='top'><strong><%= NumberToString(MakeNumber(sec_Topics.Fields("Upload Space Per Member")),"Float",2) %> k</strong></td>
            <td align='left'  valign='top' colspan='2'><strong>Available</strong></td>
            <td align='right' valign='top'><strong><%= NumberToString((SpaceAllotted - TotFileSize) / 1024,"Float",2) %> k</strong></td>

    <input type='submit' name='B1' value='Delete' ONCLICK="return Confirm_Delete()">

                                                               Set BBS_Conn = Nothing

<!--#INCLUDE FILE=""-->

VBScript Formatted Version

This is the result of using SD's VBScriptFormatter tool on the sample badly formatted VBScript, using just the default settings. You can see that the formatter reindented according to the the language structure. Especially note the indentation of the ASP code inside THEN blocks. The block structure is now clearly visible.

<!--#INCLUDE FILE=""-->

<!--#INCLUDE FILE=""-->
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<!--#INCLUDE FILE=""-->
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<!--#INCLUDE FILE=""-->

<!--#INCLUDE FILE=""-->
'testing response.write "<table border='1'>"
'testing For Each key in Request.ServerVariables
'testing     response.write "<tr><td>" & key & "</td><td>" & request.ServerVariables(key) & "</td></tr>"
'testing next
'testing Response.Write "</table>"
'testing response.write "<table border='1'>"
'testing For Each key in Request.Form
'testing     response.write "<tr><td>" & key & "</td><td>" & request.Form(key) & "</td></tr>"
'testing next
'testing Response.Write "</table>"
SpaceAllotted = MakeNumber(sec_Topics.Fields("Upload Space Per Member"))*1024
'-- ----------------------------------------------- --
'-- First make sure that this topic has a directory --
'-- ----------------------------------------------- --
Dim DestinationPath
WebPath = "http://"&Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_HOST")&AppServerRoot()&"/Uploads/"&TopicID
WebPath = WebPath&"/"&BBSProfileID
DestinationPath = AppFileRoot()&"\Uploads\"&TopicID
Set WorkFileObject = server.createobject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
On Error Resume Next
Set NewFolder = WorkFileObject.CreateFolder(DestinationPath)
Set NewFolder = Nothing
DestinationPath = DestinationPath&"\"&BBSProfileID
Set NewFolder = WorkFileObject.CreateFolder(DestinationPath)
Set NewFolder = Nothing
On Error GoTo 0
%> <h2 align="center"><%= sec_Topics.Fields("Topic Title")&IIf(sec_Topics.Fields("Topic Locked")," <strong><em>* LOCKED *</em></strong>","")
%> </h2>
If Not IsNull(sec_Topics.Fields("Description")) Then
  %> <h4 align="center"><%= MemoWrite(sec_Topics.Fields("Description"))
  %> </h4>
End If
%> <h3 align="center">Document Upload</h3>
<table border="0">
    <tr><td valign="bottom" align="center"><a href='BBSBoard.asp?TopicID=<%= TopicID
%> '>Return To Index</a></td>
Dim ResultHTML
Server.ScriptTimeout = 500
If Request.ServerVariables("REQUEST_METHOD") = "POST" Then 'Request method must be "POST" for get the fields
  If LCase(Left(Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_Content_Type"),19)) = "multipart/form-data" Then
    UploadSizeLimit = 10000000 ' 10 Mb
    '*************************************************   Main Upload - start
    Dim Upload
    UploadFile1 = ""
    UploadFile2 = ""
    'Gets uploaded fields
    On Error GoTo 0
  '*************************************************   Main Upload - end
  ElseIf Request.Form("B1") = "Delete" Then
    For Each key In Request.Form
      If UCase(Left(key,6)) = "DELETE" Then
        Response.Write "Deleting "&Request.Form(Key)&"<br>"
        On Error Resume Next
        On Error GoTo 0
      End If
  End If
End If
'-- -------------------------------------------- --
'-- Do quick survey of files and remove bad ones --
'-- -------------------------------------------- --
SQLStmt = "Select * From [tblAllowedUploads] "
SQLStmt = SQLStmt&"Where [TopicID] "&SQLNumberFormat("=",TopicID)
Set rs_AllowedUpload = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
rs_AllowedUpload.Open SQLStmt,BBS_conn,3,3
Set WorkFileFolder = WorkFileObject.GetFolder(DestinationPath)
Set WorkFileList = WorkFileFolder.Files
FileCtr = 0
TotFileSize = 0
For Each WrkFileName In WorkFileList
  If rs_AllowedUpload.Eof Then
    '-- No files allowed (yes it's stupid, but possible) --
    Response.write "Invalid file "&WrkFileName.Name&" deleted<br>"
    If rs_AllowedUpload.Fields("Allow Upload Of") = "ALL" Then
      'Do Nothing - All files allowed
      FileCtr = FileCtr+1
      TotFileSize = TotFileSize+WrkFileName.Size
      GoodFile = False
      Do While Not rs_AllowedUpload.Eof And Not GoodFile
        If Right(LCase(WrkFileName.Name),Len(rs_AllowedUpload.Fields("Allow Upload Of"))) = LCase(rs_AllowedUpload.Fields("Allow Upload Of")) Then
          GoodFile = True
        End If
      If Goodfile Then
        '-- Do Nothing
        FileCtr = FileCtr+1
        TotFileSize = TotFileSize+WrkFileName.Size
        Response.write "Invalid file "&WrkFileName.Name&" deleted<br>"
      End If
    End If
  End If
Set rs_AllowedUpload = Nothing
If SpaceAllotted <= TotFileSize Then
  Response.Write "<h2 align='center'>Your Maximum space has been used</h2>"
  If(SpaceAllotted*1.10) <= TotFileSize Then
    '-- Remove most recent upload --
    On Error Resume Next
    If UploadFile1 <> "" Then
      Response.Write "<h3 align='center'>Removing Uploaded File "&UploadFile1&"</h3>"
    End If
    If UploadFile2 <> "" Then
      Response.Write "<h3 align='center'>Removing Uploaded File "&UploadFile2&"</h3>"
    End If
  End If
End If
'-- Get the final file list and sort it --
FileCtr = 0
TotFileSize = 0
For Each WrkFileName In WorkFileList
  FileCtr = FileCtr+1
  TotFileSize = TotFileSize+WrkFileName.Size
If FileCtr > 0 Then
  FileCtr = 0
  For Each WrkFileName In WorkFileList
    FileCtr = FileCtr+1
  If FileCtr > 0 Then
    ReDim FileList(FileCtr)
    ReDim FileSize(FileCtr)
    ReDim srtFileList(FileCtr)
    ReDim srtFileSize(FileCtr)
    ICtr = 1
    FileList(0) = "\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff\u00ff"
    For Each WrkFileName In WorkFileList
      FileList(ICtr) = LCase(WrkFileName.Name)
      FileSize(ICtr) = WrkFileName.Size
      ICtr = ICtr+1
    '-- ----------------- --
    '-- Now sort the list --
    '-- ----------------- --
    For ICtr = 1 To FileCtr
      LowCtr = 0
      For ICt2 = 1 To FileCtr
        If FileList(ICt2) < FileList(LowCtr) Then
          LowCtr = ICt2
        End If
      If LowCtr > 0 Then
        srtFileList(ICtr) = FileList(LowCtr)
        srtFileSize(ICtr) = FileSize(LowCtr)
        FileList(LowCtr) = FileList(0)
        srtFileList(ICtr) = ""
      End If
  End If
End If
If SpaceAllotted > TotFileSize Then
  TopicSpaceUsed = 0
  Set TopicFileObject = server.createobject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
  If TopicFileObject.FolderExists(AppFilePath()&"\Uploads\"&TopicID&"\") Then
    Set TopicFile = TopicFileObject.GetFolder(AppFilePath()&"\Uploads\"&TopicID&"\")
    TopicSpaceUsed = TopicFile.Size
    Set TopicFile = Nothing
  End If
  Set TopicFileObject = Nothing
  If(TopicSpaceUsed/1024) > sec_Topics.Fields("Upload Space Per Topic") Then
    Response.Write "<h2 align='center'>The Maximum space for this BBS has been used - Contact "&MemoWrite(sec_Topics.Fields("UserEMail"))&"</h2>"
        <form method="post" action="<%= ShortScriptName
    %> .ASP?TopicID=<%= TopicID
    %> " ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data">
          <div align="center"><center>
          <table border="1">
            <tr BGColor="Silver">
              <td nowrap></td>
              <td Align="Right"><input type="submit" Name="Action" value="Upload New Documents"></td>
              <td nowrap>File 1</td>
              <td><input type="file" name="File1" size="70"></td>
              <td nowrap>File 2</td>
              <td><input type="file" name="File2" size="70"></td>
  End If
End If
Set WorkFileList = Nothing
Set WorkFileFolder = Nothing
Set WorkFileObject = Nothing
%> <center>
<form action='<%= ShortScriptName
%> .asp?TopicID=<%= TopicID
%> ' method='POST'>
    <table border='1'>
            <td colspan='3' align='center' bgcolor='#C0C0C0' style='font-weight: bold; font-size: larger'>Uploaded<br>Files</td>
            <td align='left' valign='top' bgcolor='#C0C0C0'>File Name</td>
            <td align='center' valign='top' bgcolor='#C0C0C0'>Delete</td>
            <td align='right' valign='top' bgcolor='#C0C0C0'>Size</td>
For PCtr = 1 To FileCtr
  %>             <tr>
                <td align='left'  valign='top'>
                    <a href='<%= WebPath&"/"&srtFileList(PCtr)
  %> '
                     target='<%= "New"&NumberToString(Rnd()*1000,4,0)
  %> '>
                     <%= WebPath&"/"&srtFileList(PCtr)
  %> </a>
                <td align='center' valign='top'>
                    <input type='Checkbox' name='Delete<%= NumberToString(PCtr,4,0)
  %> '  value='<%= MemoView(srtFileList(PCtr))
  %> '>
                <td align='right' valign='top'><%= NumberToString(srtFileSize(PCtr)/1024,"Float",2)
  %>  k</td>
%>         <tr>
            <td align='left'  valign='top' colspan='2'><strong>Total</strong></td>
            <td align='right' valign='top'><strong><%= NumberToString(TotFileSize/1024,"Float",2)
%>  k</strong></td>
            <td align='left'  valign='top' colspan='2'><strong>Maximum</strong></td>
            <td align='right' valign='top'><strong><%= NumberToString(MakeNumber(sec_Topics.Fields("Upload Space Per Member")),"Float",2)
%>  k</strong></td>
            <td align='left'  valign='top' colspan='2'><strong>Available</strong></td>
            <td align='right' valign='top'><strong><%= NumberToString((SpaceAllotted-TotFileSize)/1024,"Float",2)
%>  k</strong></td>

    <input type='submit' name='B1' value='Delete' ONCLICK="return Confirm_Delete()">

Set BBS_Conn = Nothing
<!--#INCLUDE FILE=""-->
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VB Script Source Code
Formatter Example