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Exact Clone Detection on ASTs/DAGs

    1. Parse Source files into Abstract SyntaxTrees (DAGs)

    2. For each subtree, hash into a bucket

    3. For each subtree i:

    If node i marked as subclone, mark i`s children as subclones

    If node i marked as clone, done with i

    For each subtree j?i in same bucket as i

    if EqualTrees(i,j) // can stop on clone children having same clone master

    Mark i as (master) clone of i; mark j as clone of i

    Mark children(i), children(j) as subclones

    4. For each subtree i:

    if node(i) marked as clone and node(i) not marked as subclone

    Print �Node �,i,� is a clone�, Node(i)

    Improvements over Source Line method:

    Language parser automatically ignores blanks, comments, linebreaks

    Language name resolution (DAG) not confused by identical identifiers

    DAG version can unify near-misses written using different names

    Can be extended to handle near-misses as parameters

    Can be extended to handle simple commutative operations

    Integrated into DMS, which can manage detected clones

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